Home » Exhibitions » Fedar DTF Printer Took off In 2021 Keqiao Textile Printing Industry Exhibition

Fedar DTF Printer Took off In 2021 Keqiao Textile Printing Industry Exhibition

As a professional digital printing solution provider, since its establishment, Fedar Group has always solved various practical application problems of digital printing for industry customers, and has played a positive role in promoting the green and healthy development of the digital printing industry. Has received unanimous praise in the industry. At this exhibition, we brought DTF film printer to the China Textile City International Convention and Exhibition Center.

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“People rely on clothing, horses rely on saddles.” Now clothes are not only essential daily necessities, but also decorative objects that pursue the quality of life and enhance their own grade and taste. The styles of clothes and the patterns and patterns of fabrics are subject to changes in consumer concepts, and they are more inclined to personalized and enriched printing changes to meet the good expectations of things and life.

In this case, the traditional printing method is no longer suitable for the current trend of the times. The cumbersome and tasteless traditional manual printing method is gradually eliminated. The choice of clothing fabric and color is redefined by digital printing. Digital printing makes special small batch printing become possible.

For a long time, digital printing machines have been shown with the image of “low output and refined”. The printers who choose digital printing have taken a fancy to the advantages, such as the unique pattern accuracy, colorful colors, large number of colors, and Now the clothing market is small but precise and quick response to match. In recent years, the overall status of the entire printing industry is poor and the competition continues to be fierce. Low thresholds and high profits have attracted many printers to join, which is the reason for maintaining steady growth in demand.

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