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Classification of digital printing
According to the way of printing, there are two types of digital printing: direct and transfer, and there are four types of digital printing according to process: thermal transfer, pigmentl printing, active printing, acidic printing. The core equipment is sublimation printer, different printing process use different inks, and the targeted fabric is different.
Direct and Transfer are Major Types of Digital Printing
Why Fedar sublimation transfer printers are more and more popular in the digital printing industry?
Fedar sublimation transfer printers can be used not only on apparel fabrics but also on apparel accessories. Not only does it have a large output, but also has incomparable advantages compared with screen printing, such as accuracy High, do color gradients, bright colors do not need to open version.
Digital Printing Industry
Classification of thermal transfer color printing inks
Since digital thermal transfer application products can be roughly divided into advertising image products and industrial products, if the current thermal transfer color printing inks used in the market in this classification from the quality and price difference, it can be divided into "advertising image level" ink and "clothing printing and dyeing level" ink.
Clothing Printing and Dyeing Level Ink
Moisture proof method of printer
The air temperature and air humidity can affect the normal operation of the fedar shoes printing machine. Running the printing machine in this environment can easily cause damage to the print head, board and precision originals. Therefore, in order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, there is some moisture proof methods.
Printer Moisture Proof Method
The reason why the printed image becomes light
Some customers may find that after cleaning the printhead of the printer, the color of the printed image becomes lighter (when the pixels of the image, the printing speed, and the number of PASS are normal), this is very confusing. So what is the reason for this phenomenon? Here are some simple analyses.
Fedar EPSON Head Cleaning
Key points of daily maintenance of sublimation printing machine
Compared with the traditional printing machine, the sublimation printing machine has many advantages, and is also the commonly used equipment in the textile printing industry. Because the price of the sublimation printing machine is not cheap, the daily maintenance is particularly important. What are the key points to be maintained?
Printer Maintenance Key Points
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