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Digital printing proofing has the following four advantages over traditional proofing methods
Digital printing proofing has the following four advantages over traditional proofing methods:quick reaction time,cost reduction,good proofing effect and high customer recognition rate,wide application scope.
Digital Printing Proofing has Four Advantages
Common faults of fedar sublimation printer
In the daily use of the printer, there is a high probability of encountering various printing failures.Today, several common troubleshooting methods are summarized, hoping to help everyone.
Common Faults of Printer
Advantages of sublimation printing
Thermal sublimation technology is a new process which subverts the traditional printing, and it is also another advanced printing technology. It is mainly applied to a wide range of industries, and can greatly improve the working efficiency and processing quality, and solve the shortcomings of traditional printing. So what are its advantages?
Advantages of Sublimation Printing
Knowing technology is an essential skill for sublimation printer operators
There are some malfunctions in the digital printing machine. It is unrealistic to put the maintenance of the machine on the after-sales personnel of the manufacturer completely. After all, we have time difference,if the operator can do it by himself, he can solve the problem faster and better.
What Technology Need to Study for Printer Operators
Computer technology is the origin of Fedar digital printing and an essential element of development.
The emergence of digital printing technology has promoted the advancement of the printing industry. Fedar digital printer spread rapidly in printing plants because of their simple and fast operation. It is understood that the newly opened printing plants are basically purchasing digital printing machines as the main production equipment.
Fedar Digital Printer Computer Technology
How to identify the quality of thermal transfer color printing ink
There are two most important criteria for distinguishing thermal transfer color printing inks, one is the purity of the ink, the other is the fluidity of the ink.According to the production standard of inkjet printing ink generally ink dye particle size can not be greater than 0.1 micron, less than this standard will be prone to printer plugging, ink quality will be greatly reduced.
How to Identify The Quality of Printing Ink
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